Hot Weather Causes Forest Fire in Riau to Continue to Expand

LAMANRIAU.COM, PEKANBARU – The heat of the weather in the Riau Province and surrounding areas, contributing to the increase in the area of burning in the region continues to increase.

The Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Riau Province, Edwar Sanger, said that the total area of land burned since January 1 to July 24, 2019, has reached 3,728.34 hectares.

“Today there is an increase in the amount of burned land such as in Tualang Village, Kuansing, covering an area of approximately two hectares, and in Sering Village, Pelalawan with an additional area of burning land of around 2 hectares,” he said Wednesday (24/7).

The total area of this burning land is the total area of forest fires in Riau Province. From the details of the data summarized by Riau BPBD, it was seen that the area of land burned was the most in Bengkalis, which reached 1,463.08 hectares.

Furthermore, Rohil followed an area of 786.75 hectares, Siak covering 443.85 hectares, Dumai 280.25 hectares, Meranti Islands 232.7 hectares.

Then Inhil 171.35 hectares, Pelalawan 114.5 hectares, Kampar 77.9 hectares, Inhu 76 hectares, Pekanbaru 74.96 hectares, Kuansing 5 hectares, and Rohul 2 hectares.

The Government at the central and regional levels has tried to anticipate and mitigate forest fires, one of which is to establish a forest fire emergency alert team in each region. (bsc)

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